We made it Top 10 in Hong Kong Bootcamp TON Hackers League Hackathon
AI Agentic Marketing & Community Management
Seamlessly manage Campaigns and Communities with powerful AI-driven tools.
Seamlessly manage Campaigns and Communities with powerful AI-driven tools.
Everything you need to manage and grow your Web3 community
Gamified points system for community engagement
Grow Telegram groups with referral programs
Task-based engagement solutions
Run engagement campaigns on Telegram with RabbitBot
Multi-reward gamification for engagement optimization
Smart notifications for Telegram community growth
Cutomized forms within your enggagement cycle
Engage users during live events to capture on-site event traffic
Community growth analytics and overview for operators
Simplified user engagement and tracking portal
Advanced spam management for Web3 communities
Secure user verification and campaign interaction
Monitor influencers contribution in your communities
Choose the right strategy for your community engagement
Google Form, Fillout are external tool, not in a whole operation cycleUnable to capture user action for points
In-built form systemContent creation, Voting, PK, Ambassor program
Compare different bots and find the perfect solution for your community
Discord/Telegram users
General Telegram groups
Web3 communities, projects
Discord-first, some Telegram